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Level 3 dc fast charger for home

Searching for a solution to charge your car at home effortlessly and swiftly? Well, you are in luck. Never fear, Power Import can help in the form of a proprietary gadget known as the Level 3 DC fast charger that is designed to be used right at home

You can charge you electric car extremely quickly with this amazing 3-р түвшний цэнэглэх станц Power Import. But that's just speeding, you say? Another sort of charger, a Level 2 charger regularly takes somewhere in the range of 4 hours to totally charge a car. However, with a Level 3 charger you can charge it in only half an hour. Which means there is no waiting for ages. Learn more: Spend less time on the phone paying your car, get back to driving and doing your day.

Convenient and efficient home charging for a sustainable lifestyle

This charging lives up to impressive fast changing billing but is smoother to use. Home charging: allowing for home charging that eliminates the need to make a trip to a CS. And this all saves time and effort. Additionally, you can choose to purchase clean energy from solar panels and wind turbines if given the opportunity. This is good because we need to protect our planet, and it keeps the world healthy for us.

Why choose Power Import Level 3 dc fast charger for home?

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